Comet - Multi-Purpose HTML Template

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Author: HodyLab Contact:
Template version: 1.1.2 Documentation version: 1.1

Comet is based on Bootstrap 3.3.5. If you need to learn more about the grid structure or any other element, visit the official documentation.

General Page Skeleton

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Comet | Multi-Purpose Creative HTML Template</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0">
    <!-- Stylesheets Here -->
    <!-- Preloader -->
    <div id="loader">
    <!-- Navbar -->
    <header id="topnav">
    <!-- Home Section -->
    <section id="home">
    <!-- Content Sections Here -->
    <!-- Footer -->
    <footer id="footer">
    <!-- Scripts Here -->


Comet comes with 3 type of sections:

Type Description
Default A full-width section, available with white, grey and black backgrounds.
Split A split section with an image background.
Parallax A section with an image background and parallax effect.

Default Section:

<section> <!-- You can use .grey or .dark class to change BG color -->
  <div class="container">
    <div class="title">
    <div class="section-content">

Split Section With Image

<section> <!-- You can use .grey or .dark class to change BG color -->
  <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-4 img-side img-left"> <!-- You can use .img-right t place the image at right -->
    <div class="img-holder">
      <img src="images/bg/4.jpg" alt="" class="bg-img">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="col-md-5 col-md-offset-7 col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-4">

If you want the image at left you have to give the class "img-left" to the "img-side" div and create a div with offset margin inside the container, for example "col-md-offset-7 col-sm-offset-4".

If you want the image at right, add the class "img-right" to the "img-side" div and remove the offset classes from the div inside the container.

Parallax Section

<section class="parallax">
  <div data-parallax="scroll" data-image-src="images/bg/6.jpg" class="parallax-bg"></div> <!-- Set your BG image here -->
   <div class="parallax-overlay">
     <div class="container">

Comet includes several CSS classes that help you to style elements without touching CSS files. Here's the list:

Class Description
.centrize and .v-center Center an element vertically. .v-center must be inside the .centrize element.
.serif Use a sans serif font family.
.cursive Use a cursive font family.
.upper Make the text uppercase.
.b-0 Remove the borders.
.white-text .grey-text .colored-text Change the color of the text.
.m-0 .mb-0 .mt-0 .mr-0 .ml-0 .mb-15 .mr-15 .ml-15 .mt-15 .mb-25 .mr-25 .ml-25 .mt-25 .mb-50 .mr-50 .ml-50 .mt-50 Set the margins.
.p-0 .pb-0 .pt-0 .pr-0 .pl-0 .pb-15 .pr-15 .pl-15 .pt-15 .pb-25 .pr-25 .pl-25 .pt-25 .pb-50 .pr-50 .pl-50 .pt-50 Set the padding.


Comet includes two styles for the primary navbar, light and dark. If you want to use the dark version, you just need to add the class .dark to the #topnav header tag.


To setup a slider, you just need to create a .flexslider div and pass the options in the data-options attribute, like this:

<div data-options="{"animation": "slide", "controlNav": true, "directionNav": true}" class="flexslider nav-inside">
  <ul class="slides">
    <li><img src="images/portfolio/single-1.jpg" alt=""></li>
    <li><img src="images/portfolio/single-2.jpg" alt=""></li>
    <li><img src="images/portfolio/single-3.jpg" alt=""></li>

Available options:

Property Description
animation Controls the animation type, "fade" or "slide".
controlNav Create navigation for paging control of each slide. Boolean
directionNav Create previous/next arrow navigation. Boolean

You can use .nav-inside, .nav-outside, .control-nav-dark classes to style the controlNav.


To setup a carousel, you just need to create a .owl-carousel div and pass the options in the data-options attribute, like this:

<div data-options="{"items": 6, "autoplay": true, "margin": 100, "smItems": 4, "xsItems": 3}" class="owl-carousel">
  <div class="client"><img src="images/clients/1.png" alt=""></div>

Available options:

Property Description
items The number of items you want to see on the screen.
loop Inifnity loop. Duplicate last and first items to get loop illusion.
dots Show dots navigation.
margin Margin-right(px) on item.
autoplay Autoplay.
xsItems The number of items you want to see on small screens (< 768px).
smItems The number of items you want to see on tablet screens (768px - 991px).
mdItems The number of items you want to see on medium screens (992px - 1199px).


You can add a map by simply adding a  #map div and pass two options: latitude and longitude. Like this:

<div id="map" data-lat="40.773328" data-lang="-73.960088" class="full-width"></div>

You can use the .full-width class if you want a full width map. If you want to place it inside a split section be sure to wrap the map div inside the .img-side

You can find your latitude and longitude here.

Anchor Links

If you want to use an anchor link to scroll smoothly to an element of the page, you just need to set the data-scroll attribute to true. Like this:

<a href="#demos" data-scroll="true" class="btn btn-light-out">Select a demo</a>

In the home section you can use images slider, YouTube video, HTML5 video and animated graphics as background. You can also use it as a parallax section and add a text rotator.

Image Slider

<section id="home";> <!-- You can use .bordered, .kenburn or .particles-bg class to change styles and effects -->
  <div id="home-slider" class="flexslider">
    <ul class="slides">
      <li><img src="images/bg/1.jpg" alt=""> <!-- You can remove the <img> tag if you just want text slider -->
        <div class="slide-wrap">
          <div class="slide-content">
            <div class="container">

Video Background

If you want to use a YouTube video you just need to pass the video URL to the "data-property" attribute of the .player div. You can also set a fallback background image for mobile devices with the data-fallback-bg attribute. (The jquery.mb.YTPlayer.js plugin does not support mobile devices).

<section id="home";>
  <div id="video-wrapper" data-fallback-bg="images/bg/5.jpg">
    <div data-property="{videoURL: '9No-FiEInLA'}" class="player"></div>
  <div id="home-slider" class="flexslider">
    <ul class="slides">

If you want to use a local video, the #video-wrapper div should look like this:

<div id="video-wrapper">
  <video autoplay="true" loop="true" preload="auto">
    <source src="video/video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    <source src="video/video.webm" type="video/webm">

If you want to change the video, change the value of the src attribute.

The portfolio page is split into 2 parts: filters and projects grid:

1) Filters

<ul id="filters">
  <li data-filter="*" class="active">All</li>
  <li data-filter=".branding">Branding</li>
  <li data-filter=".graphic">Graphic</li>
  <li data-filter=".printing">Printing</li>
  <li data-filter=".video">Video</li>

If you want to change the filters you just need to change the text and the 'data-filter' attribute.

2) Grid

There are two styles for the portfolio items page: boxed and wide. If you want to have a full-width grid you have to use the wide style. It may contain two, three or four columns.

<div id="works" class="two-col">
  <div class="work-item branding video">
    <div class="work-detail">
      <a href="portfolio-single-1.html">
        <img src="images/portfolio/1.jpg" alt="">
        <div class="work-info">
          <div class="centrize">
            <div class="v-center">
              <h3>Neleman Cava</h3>
              <p>Branding, Video</p>
  <!-- Other Items Here -->

Each element is composed of:

.work-item To work with the filters every '.work-item' div tag must have the filter class (one or more), for example graphic and printing
<a> The 'href' attribute of this tag must link to an existing html file, in this case portfolio-single-1.html
Project Image Located in images/portfolio folder.
.work-info Contains name and category of the project.

You can use .two-col, .three-col or .four-col class to style the grid. If you want to use the wide style, add the class .wide to the #works div and be sure to unwrap the #works div from the .container.

Warning! Unless you are familiar with CSS, I strongly advise you not to play around with these files.

All css files are in /css/ folder.


bundle.css Contains all the third-party CSS libraries minified.
style.css The main CSS file.
style.less The LESS version of style.css

The bundle.css file contains these libraries that are located in the /css/lib/ folder:

bootstrap.css Bootstrap Framework.
et-line-icons.css Icon font.
flexslider.css Flexslider style.
owl.carousel.css Owl Carousel style.
themify-icons.css Icon font.

If, for example, you want to change the primary color, you have two ways:

  1. Open the file "style.css" and replace all occurrences of #EF2D56 with the color that you want.
  2. Compile the less file and change the value of the @primary variable.
Warning! Compile the LESS file only if you are an advanced user. If you don't know what is a LESS file, ignore this procedure.

If you choose the second option, I strongly advise you to use Gulp, but only if you are familiar with Node.js. You can read a guide here.

If you are not familiar with Node, you can use an online compiler like this. In this case: paste all the content of the file "style.less" inside the textarea and copy the compiled result. Now you just need to paste the content inside the file "style.css".

Warning! Unless you are familiar with JavaScript, I strongly advise you not to play around with these files.

All scripts are in /js/ folder and they are called at the bottom of the page to make website load faster.

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/bundle.min.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/main.js"></script>

The bundle.js file contains these libraries that are located in the /js/lib/ folder:

bootstrap.js Bootstrap Framework.
countdown.js A jQuery plugin for countdown.
flexslider.js Content slider.
isotope.js Portfolio filtering plugin.
jquery.appear.js jQuery plugin to call a function when an element appears.
jquery.countTo.js A jQuery plugin that will count up (or down) to a target number at a specified speed.
jquery.mb.YTPlayer.js Youtube video background plugin.
jquery.particleground.min.js jQuery plugin for animated backgrounds.
owl.carousel.min.js Horizontal carousel plugin.
parallax.js jQuery plugin for parallax effects.
jquery.ajaxchimp.js jQuery plugin for Mailchimp forms.

If you want to add custom JavaScript code you can enter it inside the initCustom() function, at the end of the file "main.js", just before the init() function.

The contact form is submitted without page refresh (AJAX), you just need to set your email address in the mail.php file.

$to = ""; # <--- Your Email

Replace with your email address. That's it.

The signup form is submitted without page refresh (AJAX) and it uses the Mailchimp APIs. You just need to set your signup form URL in the main.js file, at line 567.

$('form[data-mailchimp]').each(function(index, el) {
    url: 'your-form-url' /* Enter your URL between the single quote chars.*/
    /* Example URL: */

How to change the version of the template?

Comet has different homepage versions:

Filename Description
index.html Default home page style. Multi-page
index-01.html Default home page style with YouTube video background. Multi-page
index-02.html Default home page style with local HTML5 video background. Multi-page
index-03.html Default home page style with Ken Burns slider. Multi-page
index-04.html Default home page style with parallax home section and a text rotator. Multi-page
index-op.html One page home style. One-page
index-op-01.html One page home style with YouTube video background. One-page
index-op-02.html One page home style with local HTML5 video background. One-page
index-op-03.html One page home style with Ken Burns slider. One-page
index-op-04.html One page home style with parallax home section and a text rotator. One-page
home-architecture.html Home page for architects. One-page
home-landing.html Landing page. One-page
home-photography.html Home page for photographers. Multi-page
home-restaurant.html Home page for restaurants. One-page
home-resume.html Home page for freelancers. One-page

In almost all hosting providers, the main page must be named index.html. So, if you want to use the a different version, you need to rename it to index.html, but first, remember to rename the existing 'index.html' to not lose the default version.

How to change the icons?

Comet includes 450+ icons from Themify and Et-line packages. The structure of an icon is the following:

<i class="icon-calendar"></i>

If you want to change an icon on this theme, just find it in the file "elements-icons.html", and, in this case, replace the 'icon-calendar' class, with the class of the icon you want.